NRA Instructor Classes

NRA Instructor Classes

Circle Ten offers NRA Instructor Classes in Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol, and Muzzleloading (which includes all three for the muzzleloading type of firearms) and Basic Instructor Training (BIT). BIT is required for all new instructors (i.e. someone who doesn’t already hold a NRA Instructor course, and hasn’t taken a BIT course within the last two years (proof is required).

Courses are held through out the year at different time and locations. Most of the classes are held at Camp Wisdom, usually in the Range Classroom. However specific classes maybe at a different location due to facility available. These classes are required for adults who wish to become a merit badge counselor for either Rifle or Shotgun. NRA Instructor classes are now 2.25 days. Classes start at 6pm on Fridays and run until 9pm or 10pm, then restart 8am to 6pm on Saturday and Sunday. Actual end times on all days may vary depending on how much progress is made on the day.

Important Notes:

Online registration is required and you are not registered in the class until you pay for the class. Registration for the class closes at the End of the Day the Wednesday prior to the date of the class.

The NRA First Step programs can be used to teach and work on the Rifle and Shotgun merit badges. Teaching aids for using the First Step programs:

BITRifle / ShotgunPistol Muzzleloading
Basic Instructor Training. This class is required for all students interested in getting their Rifle / Shotgun / Pistol / Muzzleloading Instructor certifications. If you do not already have an instructor rating (in anything) you MUST take this class first before you can take a Gun Type specific class. The BIT Class must have been taken within the last two years before you take an instructor course. Check the council’s event registration website for the class schedule and to register.Generally held two to three times a year. Starting in late 2018 classes are Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday and are a single discipline. You must have taken BIT within the previous 2 years of the instructor class being taken. Check the council’s event registration website for the class schedule and to register. Generally held twice a year. You must have taken BIT within the previous 2 years of the instructor class being taken Check the council’s event registration website for the class schedule and to register. Generally held once a year, this class combines Rifle, Shotgun and Pistol in one certification. You must have taken BIT within the previous 2 years of the instructor class being taken Check the council’s event registration website for the class schedule and to register.

NRA’s Three Rules of Gun Safety

  1. Always keep the gun pointed in a safe direction
  2. Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to shoot
  3. Always keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot
Theme: Overlay by Kaira